Infos for our partners

(not travel Agents)

As always in our industry, our calculations incl. commission (8 - 12%) for our travel agent partners.


If a valued guest - with your intermediation - books a trip of one of the offers on this website directly through Switzerland-Travel-Shop and indicates that it was you who introduced him to this offer / product, we will certainly pay the commission - 8% - to you instead of a travel agent.

Please ask your guest to indicate your involvement into his booking.


If we get direct bookings of groups, which have been introduced to us by you, you will get special commission paid out.

  • 4-6 pax  3%
  • 7-9 pax  5%
  • 10 -12 pax  7%
  • 13 + pax  9%

The booking of the whole group has to be done at the same time!


Payment has to be made by wire transfer  and has to be done for all passengers at the same time!

If you or one of your staff - members would like to join into one of our tours, we will certainly grant a discount.


Please send us - together with the booking, a confirmation - that the passenger is employed by your company, so we can deduct 15% of the fees which will be charged to the guest.


This discount will also be available for one person accompanying your employee (partner or family member), as long as the two are sharing the room and the car (on a rally).


Payment has to be done by wire transfer (no credit card) and has to be done for all passengers at the same time!


Commission (AAA and BBB) will be available for our partner as followed:

  • if paid by partner, he may deduct his share from the payment.
  • if paid by guest by wire transfer, within 10 working days after end of tour!

Discount reason:

  • A and B may be accumulated!
  • C may not be accumulated with A and / or B!